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The first image of mars

First image of Mars

Manuel Embalse
Arg. 2023 . 19′

On July 20th 1976, the United States reached Mars and transmitted live the arrival of the first image of the red planet. That same night, the “Ledesma blackout” took place in the province of Jujuy during the last Argentine military dictatorship. In 2023, the first live streaming on Mars took place while the police in Jujuy repressed the communities of the region. Coincidences, events, metaphors. The history of the image, the history of space: what appears and what disappears.

Direction, script, sound design and editing: Manuel Embalse
Camera: Manuel Embalse and Tatiana Mazú González
Music: Manuel Embalse and Alan Serué
Image and sound postproduction: Manuel Embalse.
Production: Antes Muerto Cine


Festifreak (International Independent Film Festival of La Plata) – FestiFreak Expanded – Argentina – 2023