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Francisco Bouzas

Francisco Bouzas

Rio de Janeiro, 1989. Argentinian and Brazilian. He spent the last decade making friends and films in the slum Ciudad Oculta. He has a major in Editing from the National University of Arts of Argentina and a Master degree in Creation at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola.

His first short film “Crazy don’t hide” (2015) was screened in Ciudad Oculta in a for an audience of 500 neighbours. “The fourth dimension” (2018), his first film, is a co-production between Argentina and Bolivia premiered and awarded at 20th BAFICI.

His films have been programmed in countries such as Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, the United States, Mexico, South Africa and Japan.

He participated as director at the Berlinale Talents BA 2018.

He has received support from INCAA, Mecenazgo Cultural and National Arts Fund, Tabakalera International Center for Contemporary Culture, MediaLab Prado Madrid, among other public and private institutions.

He’s the director of photography of “The State of Things”, by Joaquín Maito and Tatiana Mazú González, “Every Document of Civilization”, by Tatiana Mazú González and “Nostalgy, the road” by Joaquín Maito.

He’s finishing his third feature film “Hidden City” and developing a cinema+robotics performance called “A latent game” as well as two new films.